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There are so unique families in Rokotorua Islands!

Prof. AOKI & Prof. Oishi

Prof.Aoki is the father of Aoki-kun, and Prof. Oishi is his grandfather.

Both of them are scientists.

Prof. Aoki is famous for inventing crazy things, which his son thinks not proudly. 

Hosino Family


Hosino family runs a bakery in Rokotorua town.
Ryosuke is a great baker.

Ryoko is his wife, helping with his bakery shop.

the Yasuda Family






Camille's family is a rich one.

Her father SUMIKAWA Goro is a president of a large space ship company and her mother Claire Carcassonne is one of the most famous designer of underwear on al Cincilea.


Cortez family live in a very unique Gaudi-like house.


Strasbourg Family

Jacque Strasboug is a mayor of Rose Town.


The mayor of rose Town. The grandpa of Marie Strasbourg. He always enjoys the relaxing country life. Sitting down the chair next to the vast flower garden, reading newspapers under the sun is his favorite way to spend his weekends.

and his grand daughter Marie Strasbourg 

is Second cousin of Camille.

She is always make fun of Camille, which always finishes up all in vain.

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