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Rose Town

Rokotorua Town

The main scene of the stories of Yasudakun is called Rokotorua Islands.

Rokotorua Islands, commonly known as Rokotorua, is an island nation floating of Andrean Ocean, located the south of the Centracian Continent, on the Fifth Planet(al Cincilea).

The solar system to which al Cincilea belongs has 11 planets. 5 planets are solid planets and the others are huge gas planets. Two of them are suitable for living things.



Site City

New Isenland

ロコトルア諸島のあるアルチンチーラは、どっか遠くの地球より少し大きな惑星。地軸が1回公転するごとに1回ぶれるため、1年のうち四季が2回訪れる。衛星は2つ。赤道付近にセントラシア大陸(Centracian Continent)、少し北にアムネシア大陸(Amnesian Continent)がある。


-The main scenes of the stories of Yasudakun-

The main scene of the stories of Yasudakun is called Rokotorua Islands.

Rokotorua Islands, commonly known as Rokotorua, is an island nation floating of Andrean Ocean, located the south of the Centracian Continent, on the Fifth Planet(al Cincilea).

The solar system to which al Cincilea belongs has 11 planets. 5 planets are solid planets and the others are huge gas planets. Two of them are suitable for living things.


Regions of Rokotorua Islands

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